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The mlayer blockchain is purpose built application developed to serve as the backbone of our novel decentralized programable communication infrastructure. mLayers communication layer is a distributed logic clock whose state, s, at any given time, t is validated by maintaining and tracking causal relationship, r, between events, E, that trigger state changes, ∆s within a given Subnet, Sn.
Subnets: They represent isolated environments within which individual state machines exist. Each subnet created represents an application or product within the network. Example, a developer creating a decentralized Uber application will do this within a dedicated subnet.
Accounts: These are cryptographic key that identify a user of the network
Agents: Agents are key peers authorized to act on behalf of an account. They can be uploaded to applications and devices to perform action on behalf of the parent account.
Topics: Topics represent communication channels within a subnet. Topics receive messages as events.
Smartlet: WASM script that intercept, analyze and process message/events. The are capable of routing messages to AI agents. Smartlets can be utilized as validators, extractors, transformers and data loaders into the secondary state store
Secondary State Stores: They are data stores dedicated to each subnet. They can be used to store arbitrary data or account specific state data.
State Proof: State proofs are generated by random participating nodes based on a fibronacci sequence and verified on blockchain using aggregate schnorr proofs
Refer to the cosmos sdk network for details on its fundamental components: